
Friday, December 7, 2018


December 07, 2018 0

1. Premier Nitric Oxide Booster: 

Forever Argi+ contains L-arginine, which is essential for the production of nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide helps blood vessels relax, is a powerful antioxidant, and acts as a signaling molecule for crucial cellular communication.

Forever Argi+ Plus contains L-arginine, which is essential for the production of nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide helps blood vessels relax, is a powerful antioxidant, and acts as a signaling molecule for crucial cellular communication.

2. Cardiovascular Support:

Offering wide-ranging cardiovascular support, Forever Argi+ helps maintain healthy blood pressure and proper circulation

Offering wide-ranging cardiovascular support, Forever Argi+ helps maintain healthy blood pressure and proper circulation.

3. Antioxidant Protection:

Nitric Oxide is a powerful free radical-fighting compound, and is especially effective because only small amounts are required.

4. Brain Function:

Increased Nitric Oxide production via Forever Argi+ may enhance memory and improve cognitive function.

5. “Anti-Aging”:

The ingredients in Forever Argi+ boost hormone production, which contributes to warding off some of the symptoms of aging.

6. Cellular Communication:

Improved communication of messenger cells between nerves and the brain may result from using Forever Argi+ because of increased Nitric Oxide production.

7. Immune Support:

The ingredients in Forever Argi+ have been shown to enhance the body’s immune function.

8. Cellular Health:

Our cells need proper nutrition in order to function properly. Forever Argi+ provides essential amino acids and vitamins our cells need.

9. Sexual Function:

The ingredients in Forever Argi+  improve sexual performance in men by supporting optimal blood flow.

10. Pulmonary Function:

The L-arginine in Forever Argi+ may be useful in opening air pathways for easier breathing and optimal pulmonary health.

11. Musculoskeletal Benefits:

Forever Argi+ provides many of the essential nutrients needed by the muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and joints that make up the musculoskeletal system.

12. Skin Health:

Research has shown that L-arginine can accelarate the healing of skin abrasions, burns and wounds.

13. Athletic Performance:

The ingredients in Forever Argi+ are useful in promoting athletic performance due to their ability to boost exercise tolerance, slow oxidative stress and boost pulmonary function.

14. Prostate Health:

The ingredients in Argi+ can help improve the function of the prostate and protect in from oxidative stress.

15. Digestive Function:

A healthy digestive system is essential to health and wellness. The ingredients in Forever Argi+ may help promote digestion and improve regularity.

16. Increased Metabolism:

The ingredients in Forever Argi+ can help promote weight loss through improved fat and glucose metabolism.

Forever Argi+ was specially formulated exclusively by Forever Living Products in consultation with Dr. Ferid Murad, MD, PHD – 1998 Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology, and world renowned for his work with Nitric Oxide signaling pathways.

Forever Argi Plus

Forever Argi Plus

Forever Argi Plus is made from L-Arginine. This is a highly potent amino acid. It is so potent in fact, that scientists are calling it the “Miracle Molecule”. It is one of the most common of the natural amino acids.

For the most part, peoples’ bodies create enough L-Arginine to keep them going. But for people who are looking to get in shape, lose weight, or build muscle, taking a supplement of L-Arginine can help that process.

Our bodies will convert the L-Arginine into nitric oxide. This is the molecule that helps with blood flow.

People with low levels of nitric oxide can have a wide range of medical complications including diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and ulcerative colitis. Nitric Oxide is an important chemical for the body.

Having better, stronger, and greater blood flow can help the body in a number of ways. The first thing that it can do is help with overall cardiovascular health.

Poor cardiovascular health can lead to heart disease, heart attack, and even death. Getting the cardiovascular system in good shape will also help blood pressure levels to be at healthy to normal ranges.

With the L-Arginine molecule being added to a regular healthy diet you will also be able to experience faster muscle growth. For people looking to add bulk this can be a huge benefit and many body builders are starting to add this supplement into their regular regimen.

Of course, L-Arginine, and more specifically the supplement known as Forever Argi Plus, can also help to regulate the fat and glucose metabolism in the body. 

Getting the fat and glucose metabolism in order will also help with muscle growth and overall health in the body.

But there is still more that the Forever Argi Plus supplement can do for you. All of the benefits of the muscle growth and healthy body are just a small sampling of what else this amazing molecule can do.

L-Arginineand Forever Argi Plus can also help will bone and tissue growth. It can help to boost your immune system and stop you from getting colds, flu, and allergies.

It can help to boost male sexual functioning. And one of the newest discoveries is that it works to boost the production of anti-aging hormones.

Not only can this little miracle molecule help you to get healthy, fit, and in shape fast, but it can also help you to look younger and offer a better sex life. 
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Tuesday, December 4, 2018


December 04, 2018 0
 Don't accept anything less!!!

As a man, most times your partner expects you to step up to the game. She needs to see you as her only satisfaction. But because of busy lifestylepoor eating habitshormonal imbalances, build-up of toxinsageingamong other factors, you end up under-performing or not performing at all in the bedroom leaving your partner frustrated. It doesn’t have to be so. Get back your strong exciting masculinity and prowess on the highest level courtesy this Superior Forever Living natural supplement. In my opinion, the best in the market. This is not viagra…we only deal with food supplements packed with quality nutrients specific to bring out the BEST In you as a man naturally!!! If you are already good at it,better yourself and maintain by taking them too!!!
Here comes multi maca
How Maca Works
With age and stress, your endocrine system stops producing enough hormones to keep you functioning at your best, this means lower energy levels and reduced physical strength and stamina. You may find it harder and harder to both work and play. Maca signals the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to “reset” your body, so that your endocrine glands (testes, ovaries, pancreas, thyroid) begin producing hormones at an optimal, youthful level.
The effects of Forever Multi- Maca
The most important effect of Multi Maca is to improve libido and virility, as we have already mentioned.
Aside from that, it acts upon the following:
It balances hormonal activity and removes the problems of menopause and andropause.It stimulates fertility in both sexes and increases the count and mobility of spermatozoids.It increases energyand stamina.It stimulates the central nervous system and reduces neurological problems.It lessens inflammation and swelling of the prostate gland.It stimulates the building of muscle mass and melting of fat deposits in the body.Finally, it acts as an amazing natural aphrodisiac.
Multi Maca benefits:
✅Increase Energy, Stamina & Fertility
✅Good for Menopause
✅Rebuild weak immune System
✅ premature ejaculation
✅Powerful Aphrodisiac for Men & Female
✅Male Libido Enhancer
✅Genitals, Urinary Tract System Problems


watch this video below for your 2 in 1 pack

    CALL/WHATSAPP US ON 0248642628/+233209483847
We do FREE delivery Across the Country and Nationwide.Delivery is done 24hrs after payment and confirmation is complete.Delivery details you need to send us ARE; YOUR NAMEPHONE NUMBER AND LOCATION

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Friday, November 30, 2018

Ways to boost your stamina / How to last longer in bed

November 30, 2018 0

Poor performance in bed could not only hurt your self-esteem but can also be an indication of bad sexual health. There are number of ways that can help you in boosting your sexual stamina, some natural and a few that can even end up in medical treatment! So, if you are one of those who are looking to boost your sexual stamina, here’s help! We have listed a few effective ways that will help you in improving your sexual performance!

20 Ways to Boost Stamina :

1. Avoid unnecessary pressure, Performing under pressure will only ruin your moment. Let your mind be free from sexual expectations as unnecessary pressure on your performance will affect your sexual stamina.

2. Lubrication is the key! According to a study conducted by The Journal of Sexual Medicine, men who prefer lubrication while indulging in sexual intimacy lasted longer in bed than men who avoided it. Thus, proper lubrication can lead to increased sexual stamina.

3. Foreplay is important
Jumping directly into intercourse is not only painful for your partner but can lead to decreased sexual stamina. Begin with foreplay, passionate kissing and indulge in oral sex. Starting slowly will help you end up in lasting longer.

4. Indulge more often.
 Have sex more often. You will become an expert and thus, will build up your sexual stamina.

5. Know your pleasurable points
Knowing your pleasurable points is important for your sexual performance. This way you will also learn to indulge in sexual intimacy for a longer duration.

    Read. reason why you need L-arginine 

6. Strengthen your pelvis muscles
Pelvic muscles play a significant role in your sexual life. Hence, it is important to strengthen them as it will increase your sexual endurance and enhanced performance.

7.Squats are helpful!
Trying body-weight squats can help in strengthening pelvic muscles. If you want to further increase your stamina, you can also try full squats or one-leg squats.

8. Bench press
Another way to make your pelvic muscles stronger is by bench press.
All you have to do is:
- Lie down on a flat bench and make sure that you are not arching your back. Grip the barbell with your hands shoulder-width apart and palms facing your feet. Press the barbell straight up and back down.
- Doing the presses on an incline, will place more emphasis on your upper chest, whereas a decline will place more emphasis on your lower body.

9. Kegel exercises
This is the best and easiest way to strengthen your pelvic muscles. The stronger your pelvic muscles are, the more are chances of increases sexual stamina. This also ensures that you have a stronger erection.

10. Stay active
You need to stay active to last long in bed. And for this, you need energy and effort. Doing exercise daily will help you in getting increased stamina and will also improve your blood circulation.

Read. Benefit of maca & pollen

11. Limit your alcohol intake
If you are under the impression that alcohol helps you in performing better in bed, then get your facts clear. Alcohol makes you lazy and men may face problems with erection. So, avoid drinking alcohol if you want to make your partner happy and willing to enjoy sexual pleasure for a longer duration.

12. Stretch
Stretching does help. Stretch your legs and hand muscles to avoid cramps and stretching is the simplest method to keep your muscles free of muscular pain.

13. Eat protein enriched foods
Make sure you eat food loaded with protein. Protein contains essential amino acids that our body need in order to function properly. Include protein rich foods such as egg whites, low fat milk, fish and chicken in your diet.

14. Maintain a healthy weight
Maintaining healthy weight is important for your overall wellness. Know what should be your ideal weight according to your height and body structure. And if you are underweight, consult a health expert to maintain perfect weight. This can also help you in boosting your sexual stamina.

15. Before sex, do not over eat!
Stuffing yourself right before sexual session can lead to drowsiness. So, for a great sex, do not over feed yourself.

16. Maintain a balanced diet
To build your sexual stamina, watch what you eat. A well-balanced diet is important for your sexual health too. Eat low-fat products, plenty of fruits and vegetables and lean meat. This way you will stay healthy and will have improved physical and mental stamina.

17. Improve blood circulation
It is important to have good blood circulation for a longer and stronger erection. You can get a nice massage from your partner and those sensual touches will help you in getting improved blood flow and will release sex hormones.

18. Sleep well
Have 7-8 hours of quality sleep. It is important that you are not sleep deprived and can enjoy your sexual intimacy to the core. So, focussing on better sleep rather than better sex cam definitely help in a long lasting sex.

19. Stress can damage your sexual health
Avoid getting stressed as it may kill your libido. If you feel stressed, relax. You may meditate and can indulge in things that helps in improving your mood.

Use a natural ingredients for boosting your sexual stamina, it takes time but very effective
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Wednesday, November 28, 2018


November 28, 2018 0

Before I tell you the 3 causes of weak erection and poor performance in men.

I want to let you know that you are not alone! 

My name is Gabby Young and I was once like you….

Like other men with a weak manhood, I lied to my wife that it was “work stress” and that I will soon recover.

And I started exposing myself to the scams littering everywhere. 

As you know, everywhere you turn to these days, you will see adverts promising one instant miracle product even though 98% of them are scams.

 But I was desperate, so I was buying everything – concoctions, supplements and pills that promised to turn me into a real man.

I am not a smoker or heavy drink but nothing seemed to work.

After spending a lot of money without any result, I gathered all the courage he had to see a doctor. 

The doctor ran all sorts of test on me and even gave me some “blue pills: – but Mr dick was still useless

 2 years later, my case has worsened – and I has accepted my fate. 

By this time, my wife had gone through different levels of frustration 

She has used all shades and sizes of dildo to please herself 

That was the only thing she could do but she even got tired of the sex toys and longed for the warmth of her man

Why Was I Not Getting Any Results? 

The mistake I was making is the same mistake a lot of men who struggle with weak erection do. 

They think a SINGLE treatment like drinking some herbal concoctions etc will solve the problem of a weak manhood. 

Ever since I got a permanent solution and became a real man.

 I have been helping people in this area and the truth is: 

A weak manhood is usually a result of at least 

3 of the following combined: 

1.    Poor blood flow 
2.    Over masturbation
 3.    Low Testosterone 
4.    Excess porn watching 
5.    Diabetes or excess sugar
 6.    Stress 
7.    Medications (like medications for high blood pressure) 
8.    Prostate Issues (Mostly in men over 60)

From my experience, 

I have found out that in order to regain your masculinity and restore your manhood,

 you also have to utilize a therapy that helps you to treat those 4things at once.

 In the cases of most men, the weak erection and quick ejaculation 
problems is from 4 things: 

– Stress 
– Low testosterone 
– Poor blood flow 

 By using a therapy that tackled those 4 problems at the same time, 

he was able to recover fully within 30 days.

 My sex drive shot up (because of the boost in testosterone) 

And I observed that my erections were much fuller and stronger than before.

 Let talk about this amazing therapy that would help you be a real man. 

Do You Also Want To Become A Bedroom Champion. Get Bigger and Hard Erection When You Want it. Satisfy Your Wife with not Less Than 35 minutes Performance Every Night? 

If you honestly answer yes to the question above (of course that why you reading this article) 

Let me introduce to you the powerful herbal therapy that does the magic 


Here is what it looks like

… From Lasting 2 minutes To Lasting Up To at least 30 Minutes In Bed!

Multi maca & Giin-Chia Capsule is made of a pure herbal ingredients in capsule form, 

Maca contains 60 capsules and Gin-Chia contains 100 capsules in it, produced to boost male sexual performance. 

The main mechanism of Maca & Gin-chia is to improve sex appeal is increase reflection of nerve condition. 
With Maca & Gin-chia as I fondly call it, you enjoy bigger and harder erections,increase in libido and complete prevention to your quick ejaculation!

In plain words here is what the Forever multi maca and Gin-chia does to men.

 1. It boosts your libido (sexual urge). 

2. Treats the root cause of weak erection,corrects it and helps you have bigger and stronger erection. 

3. It increases your stamina and energy level, here by helping you last upto 30 minutes during sex. 

4.As we grow older our testosterone. 

Ginseng in the Maca & Gin-Chia helps you triple testosterone production on your body, just so you 
know testosterone is the hormone responsible for sex in the body. 

5. Helps to improve sperm quality and ultimately prevent you of quick ejaculation. 

Another thing about this Maca and Gin-Chia is that… 

You Start to See Results… in a week 

I mean, 

less than 1 week

It contains 4 different kind of herbs, the major one is Ginseng. 

Talk is cheap,I know you have read lots of things like these countless times online.

You don't even know what to believe again.

 Here are testimonies from the people who have used this Forever Multi maca and Gin-Chia
“An instant increase of .5 inches and she loved it”

'' I bought the Multi maca and Gin-Chia about 2 weeks ago and have been using it.

 Here’s where my results started to get interesting. 

and I was saying to myself SAM my penis looks huge, very thick and heavy. 

My penis has NEVER been this thick before, so I went into the bedroom where my wife was watching TV.
 I grabbed her hand and put it on my penis and said feel how thick this is.

 She said in a scared voice

 “what did you do to it?” 

I did not tell her about the Maca and Gin-chia 

yet so I just said an exercise and told her to get her Dress off quick I want to try this thing out. 

We had one of the best sex we’ve had in a while. 

She moaned like never before and I could tell she enjoyed it. 

When we were done she asked if I was on drugs or something I said “no” and laughed. Thanks Gabby, I owe you guys BIG''

“Immediate results in a week!” 

Hi Gabby

I just started using the maca and gin-chia for about a week now and wanted to fill you in on my progress.

 In that period of time,my manhood feels heavy erection is like rock. 

The product is also helpful, have gained about half an inch in “width”. 

This is all in just a little over a week! 

So as of now there isn’t anything bad that I can say about this amazing solution.

 I can only say good things about what I am learning here and about myself. 

Thank you guys 

for helping getting me on the path to the penis I want!

Amazing Testimony 

• This Product is FDA Approved, meaning you have no fear of running into trouble when using it.

 • Works for men of all ages, no matter how long you’ve had the problem 

• It reverses the condition and repairs your body system so that you can start last as long as you want in bed (even when you stop using it) 

• This is the same solution that helped me, and as at today, more than 1,000 men have been transformed by using it too.

 • And most of all it has no Side-effects as it’s an all-Natural So If you have been having problems satisfying your woman in the other room, then worry less because this same solution that helped wipe shame from my face is all you need too. 

By using the Forever Multi maca and Gin-chia Natural Product,

 • Your sex life will be restored to that point where you will always leave any woman satisfied at the end of it. 

• You will get better, bolder and stronger erections which will last for over 30 minutes of action. (You can even go 45-1 hours if you wish) 

• Your Libido will be restored to an all-time normal and your confidence restored. 

• And you will also say bye-bye to embarrassing sex! 

So if you are a man with a small rod and low libido issues, breathe a sigh of relieve as a solution is finally here. 

Get rock solid erections and drive any woman crazy with this one time solution that has personally worked for me and over 1000 Men alike!


Do you want to continue to suffer from the shame and frustration caused by premature ejaculation and small penis…

when you can do something about it now? Or…

Would you rather pay higher later… 

when you can easily get it for the low amount today? Of course,
 I know you will make the smart choice!  So, 

you have to hurry up to be among the lucky few, and place your order NOW



.......Always Proud to Have You As A Cherish Client. 

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