22 Harmful Effects Of Masturbation In Guys And Ladies Nowadays - MEN'S HEALTH SOLUTION.PRO +233248642628


Monday, July 23, 2018

22 Harmful Effects Of Masturbation In Guys And Ladies Nowadays

Masturbation being a noxious habit is practiced by many people all over the world; it corrupts the life of most of the youngsters nowadays than any other problem they face. Some of them are given wrong information by their friends and are encouraged to masturbate as though they do. The less knowledge about sex and the addicting capacity of the masturbation stands as a valuable reason for this growing habit among the youngsters. They assume masturbation as good for their sexual health and penis enlargement. We are provided with a good hormonal system that governs the enlargement and other activities regarding development of the sex organs.  Some of the youngsters spread wrong information that it is needed for life without fail and some others want to do as it addicts.
We are controlled by three factors (a) Emotional factor, (b) Hormonal factor, (c) Environmental factor; in that the hormonal and environmental factors can only be less changed, where as emotional factor can be controlled to some extent. We need to control us by updating information and by modifying the situations so as to escape from this habit. There is a great urge for youngsters to change their habits before they feel its worse effects. As the media and advertisements are increasing in showing the sex organs for their commercial benefits we too need to check ourselves and maintain a standard that not to go beyond these habits which spoils our life. May be every guy will get a good wife to enjoy sex, till then you can wait so as not to waste your life with this illegal and noxious habit.

Here are some of the harmful effects of masturbation to be considered, kindly read and stop doing masturbation once again. Make your impression in the comments.

1.       Masturbation makes you weak, it drains protein and calcium content in the body

2.       Masturbation creates nervousness and neurological problems

3.       Masturbation is one of the main cause for erectile dysfunction.

4.       Masturbation addicts you even if you taste it for one time. Controlling it is a very big menace.

5.       Masturbation creates drowsiness; you will be sleeping most of the time after ejaculation of your sperm. You will experience a damn tired.

6.       Masturbation causes stress and strain in your mind and soul.

7.       Masturbation also affects us psychologically; it creates depression after ejaculation and makes one feeling bad on his own.

8.       Getting red hot while masturbating will give a bad name in that environment and it is an indecent activity.

9.       Masturbation cannot be done simply, it needs to see, touch, indulge or, at last to think of a sexual practice/ sex organ of the opposite sex. This is more harmful that the image in your memory that you see could not be erased easily. This will lead you to a noxious problem that you cannot see any girl/ lady/ women without a single thought i.e., sex.

10.   Masturbation creates an urge to do indefinitely; it doesn’t see the place, people and culture. It makes you digging worse sexual problems if chance knocks the door.

11.   Masturbation leads you to illegal contacts because the urge increases day by day and finally will lead to the search of a source for sexual pleasure.

12.   Masturbation is the main reason for speedy sperm release during sexual intercourse. It will create dissatisfaction to you and to your wife.

13.   Over masturbation reduces your sperm count. Couples who desire to get pregnant should not masturbate.

14.   SThe seminal fluid that gets released on masturbation contains proteins that are needed for many metabolic activities and cell formations. Proteins are the building blocks of our body; ejaculation often will create you to be lean and distracts your metabolism of muscle building.

15.   Ethically masturbation is wrong; you think of X/Y and do sex of your own. This hinders your values and respect for others. You may be are good in all other regards but will end up in a great problem if not concerned to stop this habit.

16.   Masturbation wastes your time and makes you useless.

17.   The pleasure of masturbation never lasts for a long time.

18.   Masturbation creates more problems as you lose your memory and thought-provoking ability.

19.   Masturbation is not the end of your desire; you may be fooled by your own practice. It will never give you a solution or a satisfaction but seems that it gives.

20.   It is not needed in any way to your sexual life that it has to be practiced without fail.

21.   Guys who masturbate will lose interest in sex with their wife very soon. They can’t feel pleasurable for a long time.

22.   Masturbation induces homosexuals in schools, colleges and hostels. Many times the latter creates sexually transmitted diseases like VD, syphilis, AIDS etc.,

Does frequent ejaculation cause any health problems? We receive a surprising number of emails asking about this. Particularly, there quite a few guys who worry about frequent masturbation. Does it harm reproductive health? We asked urologist and male fertility specialist Dr. Kathleen Hwang this question. Here’s what she had to say:

What Happens to Sperm When You Ejaculate Multiple Times a Day?

Sperm are created and develop on a natural 72-day cycle called spermatogenesis. The testicle is lined with 25 feet of micro tubing that sperm flow through as they mature. Once they are fully developed, the sperm are ready to be released into semen and ejaculated out of the body. It takes about 2 days to refill the store of semen and sperm following an ejaculation. If a man ejaculates multiple times a day the amount of fluid and sperm that come out gets lower and lower with each subsequent ejaculation. Fluid also tends to get more watery.

Can Ejaculating Too Much Harm My Health?

The short answer is no. There are not any harms that frequent ejaculation will cause the body.
If you are actively trying to conceive, frequent ejaculation lowers chances of conception because sperm count will be lower with each shot. It is a little counter-intuitive. It is easy to think, the more we have sex, the better our chances of conceiving. Ideally, it is a good idea to have sex every 2-3 days to optimize sperm health in each ejaculation. Too much more than that and counts will be lower. Less than that and some of the sperm will start to age inside the body and may not swim as well.

What If I Don’t Ejaculate Enough? Does That Cause a Problem?

Again, the short answer is no. If sperm are not released by the body through ejaculation, they eventually die and are reabsorbed by the body. Once fully developed, sperm can live a few weeks inside the testicle waiting to be ejaculated. As they age, they tend to get less motile and eventually they die and stop swimming altogether.
When trying to conceive, it is good to try to “clean out the pipes” at least once a week to ensure a healthy crop of sperm whenever you are attempting conception.

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